Monday 27 September 2010

The Boys

I have decied to promote a comic book series as my portofolio. The series I have choosen to promote is "The Boys" written by Garth Ennis and illustrated by Darick Robertson. I chose to promote this particular product is because firstly I am very interested in comic art. Secondly it is because as a comic it is realatively underground, and has had little promotion previously allowing me to put completley my own spin on the promotion of the product. I also feel that despite the previous lack in promotion of this product, it could actually appeal to quite a wide audience. 

The genre of "The Boys" is black comedy, it is also a very gory comic. These things are important to consider when promoting it as the conjuer up very strong images and colour schemes. The colour scheme used on the image above, definitely protrays gore, violence and of something sinister, all things which are definitely very prominant within the comic. This colour scheme is certainly one I would consider using within the promotion of this product, however I feel perhaps not enough of the humour of "The Boys" is portrayed using these colours. 
Pictures 1 & 2 Robertson,D & Ennis,G June 2007 "The Boys - Name Of The Game"
Picture 3 Robertson,D & Ennis, G March 2008 "The Boys- Get Some"